Tuesday, December 27, 2011


this baby is twenty-nine weeks grown today, and her mom and dad could not be happier about it. she had a really great christmas by way of gifts (and sugary treats), she is already spoiled thanks to fantastic friends and family that already love her so much.

we are starting to get used to the idea that she is actually going to be around in real life soon. that's weird, and so exciting.

Friday, December 16, 2011

sooooo good

by far the best commercial i have ever seen. i tap warner every time it comes on to make him watch it like he hasn't seen it fifty times before.

oh my gosh, hahahahahaaaahahaha! it's so good.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

sweat pants are all that fits me right now

so i'm starting to actually look pregnant these days, like real pregnant. people that don't know me are starting to notice and comment--that makes me feel good, i think--because now i don't just look like i've been eating carbs and bars to make me gain weight like regina george.

i have had to start wearing maternity pants too, the line "sweat pants are all that fits me right now" pops in my head every morning while i'm getting dressed. it helps me not feel bad about wearing sweats most days. it also applies to coats, "this coat is the only one that zips up now", and shirts "this shirt is the only one long enough to make sure the bottom of my belly doesn't stick out". so... if you see me wearing the same clothes like everyday... that's why.

as much as i hate getting dressed in the morning because nothing fits, i am honestly so grateful to see this belly of mine becoming large, and knowing that this baby girl is growing healthy and strong. as i enter my third trimester i am thankful for the little things, like not having kidney stones anymore, having tests come back saying i in fact do not have preeclampsia, oh and chocolate.

so for now things are good on the home front, and i'll just keep quoting mean girls every morning--and growing this child.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


there is something about this song that gets stuck in my head every single night and morning, and night and morning, and pretty much my whole life. 

really the only good part is the woman singing the "ohhhhh sometimes, i get a good feeling", she is great. so just close your eyes cause this video is pretty whack, then ignore all the flo rida parts and you'll probably like it and have it stuck in your head for your whole life too.