Wednesday, December 8, 2010


we suck at this. for now you can look at our tree though... i am a very proud mother to it. yes it is real and flocked, so much better.

i don't think i have been this excited for Christmas since i was ten years old, but it's working for me--and definitely making the winter months go by faster. that and two jobs+school. never fails to keep one busy.

warner is also keeping busy by playing on a basketball league. this is how he keeps his nice figure--that and the kinect. i am such a lucky wife. seriously.

i missed writing about my wonderful husband on his birthday... i tend to write about him a lot though, so i'll keep it short and simple. in a nutshell he is the best human i have ever met. we have opposite but also very similar personalities, and learning how to be married has been so much fun--and will continue to be the rest of our lives. i have come to understand that we will probably never stop learning about marriage or each other. he is kind, generous, and very understanding. sometimes i cant believe how patient he is with me, it's ridiculous. he  becomes a better person everyday, and helps me to be that as well--for that i am forever grateful.

i love you husband, and you are an incredibly handsome 22. hope your birthday was the best one yet.

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